Deciding on the particular college to attend can be a daunting life choice. It is no secret that college cost keeps getting more expensive, which in many cases, demands that you don’t just apply to the least expensive universities, but the source for academic loans and grants.
If cutting back expenses on tuition fees is your desire, here is a list of the least expensive universities in the USA below, based on the amount of tuition charged;
1. University of Washington
It is located in Seattle, WA. Washington University operates from its campuses at Seattle, Bothell, and Tacoma. UW is one of the less expensive universities in USA, which awards over 12,000 degrees yearly.
The school is noted for its initiatives and global influence on research and teaching. UW is ranked as one of the least expensive state universities in America, charging average annual tuition of $12,001 per student. The school has a graduation rate of 83% and offers a total of 135 undergraduate programs.
2. CUNY Brooklyn College, New York
Brooklyn College was made part of New York’s system City University in 1961. It is known as the first non-private educational liberal arts college in New York. The college has enrolled over 18,000 students in estimated 75 programs. The College serves as a tunnel of success for thousands of alumni. It’s one of the least expensive universities in the USA with an affordable tuition fee of $3000 per year. First-time applicants are required to have at least a 1000 SAT score or the ACT equivalent.
3. Purdue University, West Lafayette
Established in 1869, Purdue is an Indiana-based non-private research university serving up to 43,000 students. Its Online platform makes available online degrees that all can afford at graduate and undergraduate levels. It is one of the least expensive state universities that assist students to reduce tuition costs through its credit for work experience. With an annual tuition of $12,527, the school also gives discounts to workers of partner institutions, aside from financial aid, grants, and scholarships to nearly 46% of new students.
4. University of Florida, Gainesville
Often considered the 3rd largest college in the Sunshine State, The University of Florida has a yearly tuition cost of $8,057 on average. This makes it top among the list of less expensive universities in the USA. It has over 52,000 students, offering about 100 undergraduate and 200 graduate courses. The most notable areas of study at UF include but are not limited to marketing, engineering, and business. UF is an institution accredited regionally and has a graduation rate of 87%.
5. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater
Over 35,000 students call Oklahoma State University theirs, you too can be among them. Established in 1890, it is a non-private land-grant university sited in the semi-expanded city of Stillwater. OSU administers about 300 undergraduate and 200 graduate courses in its five campus locations with an online presence.
With an average tuition of $14,878, OSU is one of the not expensive universities in USA. Most of its 30 master’s degrees online run without on-campus requirements. It has a graduation rate of 61% and is accredited regionally by the Higher Learning Commission.
6. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
North Carolina’s University is considered the oldest non-private university in the States. It offers affordable education to over 19,000 students yearly. The college is known as a “Public Ivy”, a situation where a public institution of learning offers an Ivy League educational experience.
Abbreviated as UNC, it maintains a dedication to affordability and accessibility, making it among the least expensive universities in the USA. It charges annual tuition of $13,918 per year, on average. UNC is known for a 24% acceptance rate with an average SAT score of 1,350, accredited regionally by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
7. California State University, Long Beach
Long Beach’s California State University has enrolled over 37,000 students online and at its Southern California main campus. With an average of $8,982 annually, the school is recognized as one of the least expensive universities in the USA and its a super earning capacity for graduates.
The CalStateOnine portal offers 74 bachelor’s, 146 master’s, and seven doctorate degrees. Students will complete these courses fully in online and hybrid formats. CSULB is accredited regionally by the WASC Senior College and University Commission.
8. California State University, Los Angeles
This Los Angeles college has a population of 26,000 students and offers 300 programs in its eight schools. The college is the 2nd oldest member of California’s State University System. The school’s most notable graduate studies are counseling, education, and social work. Cal State LA retains a dedication to an accessible and affordable education with a tuition fee of $4,175 annually. Beyond half of its undergraduate students are liable for tuition waivers, while 84% receive some form of financial support. Its Online platform offers sizeable degrees online for diverse types of students. Cal State LA is accredited regionally by the WASC.
9. University of Illinois, Chicago
The University of Illinois, Chicago is the state’s only non-private research institute. It was established in 1982 by the union of two separate schools. The school charges an average of $13,301 annually. It has 16 disjointed academic colleges as well as a notable hospital system and a med school.
UIC administers 86 undergraduate degrees in the arts, life sciences, and liberal arts. The college offers 15 undergraduate courses online, in English, business administration, and mathematics. Its online Stackable Programs permit students to gain credits they can reuse, either for bachelor’s or advanced degrees. UIC has a 67% graduation rate and is accredited regionally by the Higher Learning Commission.
10. Alcorn State University, Mississippi
ASU was established in 1871 in Claiborne County, Mississippi, with the aim of providing to offsprings of formerly enslaved African-Americans. Today, it administers over 50-degree courses to more than 4,000 students of multi-ethnic backgrounds.
The college is among the not expensive universities in the USA charging just $6,888 tuition for international students annually. Here, students gain the privilege of a semester in South America or Africa participating in conference sessions with global organizations to improve people’s lives in developing nations.
If these institutions are still high for you, you can vie for a community college. It is more inexpensive and lets students acquire skills suitable for applicable careers. That is if you don’t mind the lack of prestige and fewer educational opportunities of a four-year institution.