Saturday, July 27, 2024

Liberia Visa Application2021: The Ultimate And Concise Visa Guide


Liberia, known officially as the Republic of Liberia, is a country that can be found in West Africa. The English Language is the official language, but over twenty traditional languages are spoken amongst its people. The Capital seat of Liberia is Monrovia. Liberia gained independence on July 26, 1847, although the United States failed to acknowledge Liberia’s independence till February 5, 1862.

Liberia is a land full of friendly people. It is a place full of beautiful weather and relaxing beaches with several beach towns and ports that have become a dream haven for surfers and water lovers. It offers an opportunity to enjoy nature while also sampling great cuisines. It is abode to one of Africa’s most exotic national parks. It is also home to lush rainforests with fine scenery.

Liberian Visa Prerequisites

A visa is a document of authorization that allows one to come into and depart from a nation. The administration of the nation furnishes if one plans to make a journey to. It is an endorsement on a passport that allows a person to access, dwell, or egress from a nation for an explicit term.

Suppose you are preparing to go on a journey to Liberia, probably because of work, leisure, trade, or even temporarily passing through. In that case, you should procure entry papers antecedently and observe a few protocols.

Entry and identity papers

The passport and entry papers specification for each national status to visit Liberia differs. Nations in Europe should have a passport and a visa, but no round trip pass is fundamental. It applies to American, Canada, Australia, and Britain travelers looking to gain entrance into Liberia.

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All travelers looking to gain entrance into Liberia must have in their possession yellow fever inoculation papers.

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Visa Excluded Countries

Most nationals of other nations must have a visa to gain entrance into Liberia. There are a few, though, who are excluded. The following list is nations whose people do not warrant entry papers to gain access to Liberia. They include:

  • Benin Republic
  • Burkina Faso
  • Cape verde
  • Cote d’iviore
  • The Gambia
  • Ghana
  • Guinea
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Mali
  • Niger
  • Nigeria
  • Senegal
  • Sierra leone
  • Togo

Owners of Political or service identification of the subsequent nations are also not obliged to have entry papers; Chinese, South African, Vietnamese, Kuwaiti, and Turkish citizens.

Only those that possess Political entry papers of Kuwait and Turkey are exempted.

Categories of Liberian visas obtainable      

The major classifications of visas given by the Liberian authorities to International travelers include:

  • Tourist Visa: This is for outsiders whose intention of gaining entry into the nation is sightseeing, leisure, or other non-trade connected reasons.
  • Business Visa: This is for outsiders who wish to conduct any trade in the nation.
  • Political/Formal visa: Outsiders on administrative trips or official duties and reasons are given this.

Duration of stay

Travelers looking to gain passage into Liberia can procure:

  • A short-stay visa: Travelers can only use this once, though for a window of thirty days.
  • Multiple entry visa: Bearers can make more than a trip to the country for the allocated window. It is accessible for one, two, and three years.

Necessary Papers mandated for a Liberian Visa

To put in for a Liberian visa, you must compulsory possess:

  • A passport, which must be authentic for the next six months after the day it was printed. It must also have at least an empty page
  • The finished visa application paper
  • Evidence of monetary sustainment
  • A yellow fever inoculation statement
  • Certification of housing and lodging for the entire duration of your stay in the area, probably a reservation at a hotel
  • Medicare for the entirety of one’s trip
  • Evidence of travel plans; a round trip ticket and travel plans

Travelers are also mandated to put forward two snaps in a white scenery, a 2 by 2 inches magnitude, and must have been snapped in the past half-year. For religious reasons, headgears are permitted if they do not conceal the visage.

Suppose the subject of your trip is trade or work-related. In that case, you shall be required to furnish a letter that explains the aim of your trip, information concerning your business associates, containing the signature of the entity that invited you.

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There may be a deviation in some of the obligatory papers for each nation.

Steps on how to obtain a Liberian Visa

  • Get in touch with a Liberian embassy in your region or one nearby.
  • Complete visa procuration papers and collection of the obligatory papers. Some diplomatic centers allow you to submit your application form electronically without much stress easily.
  • Settlement of all costs
  • Drop of the application and all the obligatory papers at the consul. One could submit it physically or deliver it electronically.
  • Show up for the visa interview, if necessary.
  • Passport collection, with the entry papers attached.

The Liberian authorities in 2019 heralded the beginning of an electronic visa system(e-visa), but the initiative has not been carried out yet.

How long does visa preparation take?

The amount of time it entails to prepare a Liberian visa relies on the consul in charge of it. It should, however, take about 5 -10 days following when the consul gets your petition form normally. It could also take more.

Errors and blunders of any kind is a factor that could disturb the due process. It is highly recommended to apply a couple of months before going on a journey to make it easier, but no longer than three months earlier.

Prerequisites for a Liberian Business Visa

  • An endorsed passport
  • Two passports sized snaps with a colored background; a white scenery
  • Business application letter
  • Visa procuration papers; A prototype and a duplicate
  • Evidence of travel schedule: It must show admittance and departure dates
  • Confirmation of Yellow fever Inoculation

Prerequisites for a Liberian tourist visa

  • Passport
  • Photograph; Snapped in a white scenery
  • Visa application papers; one prototype and one duplicate
  • Confirmation of Travel plans
  • Confirmation of Yellow fever vaccination

Visa Issuance on Arrival

Can I get a Liberia VOA??

Yes. Travelers can get a visa on landing if they are Taiwanese citizens. There are, however, a few conditions that could qualify someone who is not a Taiwanese to get a Liberia VOA

1) If one cannot put in for a Liberian visa because one’s country lacks a Liberian consul.

2) If you need to journey to Liberia for an urgent assembly or trade related matters and falls in the class of:

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  • A regular traveler on business trips
  • An administrative officer of a Global Enterprise
  •  A member of a political delegate
  • A bearer of a UN permit pass
  • A bearer of an AU permit pass
  • A bearer of an ECOWAS permit pass
  • One possesses additional authoritative travel documentation published by a Global body.

However, individuals are to note that they can not just travel to Liberia and acquire the visa. A letter of approbation must have been gotten ahead.

How do I get a VOA?

To successfully put in for a Liberian VOA, a note of petition has to be delivered to the Liberian Immigration Bureau’s Head. The message must be sent through electronic mail and should contain:

  • The full name and national status of the traveler
  • The passport numeration
  • Purpose of a trip to Liberia
  • Access spot into the nation
  •  Travel plans
  • Verification of housing in the nation for the period of voyage.
  • An examined sample of identity and information papers.
  • An examined sample of the applicant’s round trip ticket.

If the Head of Immigration sanctions the petition, the applicant receives an email notification, and then the VOA letter is sent to the applicant. A duplicate is also sent to the airline the applicant is going to fly.

One can pay for the VOA electronically via the Liberia Immigration Bureau webpage or pay on landing using a credit or debit card.

To successfully gain consent at the entrance port, You should compulsory hold:

  •  VOA message of endorsement
  • Confirmation of fulfillment of visa costs
  • A passport, which should be binding for no less than six extra months
  • A legit round-trip ticket
  • Two recent passport-size snaps.

Entry with Children

Applications for kids and minors must contain a note of sanction from a parent or a guardian.

Corona Virus Protocols for Travelers

Doctor Jerry Brown gets his temparature measured at the 14 Military Hospital in Monrovia on April 15, 2020. – Many Liberians remember Jerry Brown, the doctor leading the country’s coronavirus response team, for his fearlessness during the Ebola crisis in the West African state. (Photo by Zoom DOSSO / AFP)

Before arrival, all travelers must participate in a health evaluation exercise on the Liberia Travel Application. It is imperative for all intending entrees into Liberia to pay the Coronavirus examination fee before landing.

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All arriving travelers must make use of a face mask and must undergo a compulsory temperature check immediately they arrive. Symptom screening forms shall be rechecked.

Travelers must show certification of settlement and fulfillment of the symptom tracker form.

Entry papers extension

Visitors can elect to raise the legality of their visa by a course of 30 days at Liberia’s Immigration Bureau before the expiry of the present visa.

For more visa guides


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