Saturday, July 27, 2024

Schengen Travel: The Best Travel Insurance Company.


The importance of a good Insurance Company can never be underestimated, especially for Africans who want to travel to Europe Countries. In this article, we would be looking into some good Insurance companies that can be your lifesaver in need. But then, Schengen Travel will be our primary case study.

You may be wondering, “what is Travel Insurance?” Let’s quickly take a detour around that.

Just as you insure your vehicle against the unforeseen, Travel Insurance is an insurance product for covering unexpected losses incurred while traveling, either internationally or domestically. Most travel insurance plans cover medical emergencies, trip cancellation, trip delays or interruptions, and medical evacuation, e.t.c. It also deals with lost, damaged, or stolen luggage. As well, extended stay travel insurance can have a 3-18 months effect.

It is essential to get the right travel insurance before embarking on any journey. In a case study where a traveler is sick and can’t get home, adequate travel insurance will help take care of this unforeseen circumstance.

Most travel insurance companies create policies to help their customers against illness, unforeseeable events, accidents, injury and excluding epidemics or any infectious disease. As an example, the current Covid-19 pandemic.

What is Schengen?

As we’re moving closer to why you’re reading this article, the knowledge gotten from this part will help you navigate the latter with zest and glee. You probably have heard this name in the adverts but honestly do not know its origin. Let’s unwrap the goodie together.

Now, back to the question; What is Schengen?

Schengen is an agreement between many countries of the European Union that allows people and goods to pass freely across each country’s borders without a passport or other controls. Schengen area often serves as a single jurisdiction for international travel purposes with a standard visa policy. The site was named after the 1985 Schengen Agreement signed in Schengen, Luxemburg.

There are twenty-six (26) countries under the Schengen Area. We have the:
  • Austria.
  • Belgium.
  • Greece.
  • Hungary.
  • Czech.
  • Republic.
  • Slovakia.
  • Norway.
  • Poland.
  • Spain.
  • Sweden.
  • Denmark.
  • Slovenia.
  • The Netherlands.
  • Switzerland.
  • Italy.
  • Iceland.
  • Luxemburg.
  • Liechtenstein.
  • Malta.
  • Finland.
  • Estonia.
  • Lithuania.
  • Latvia, e.t.c.
Schengen Travel: The Best Travel Insurance Company.

It is important to note that some European countries are not part of this Schengen zone. Countries as; Turkey, Russia, The United Kingdom, Monaco, Ireland, and a host of others do not have a role in the Schengen zone.

Schengen Travel

Schengen travel, on the other hand, means the traveling of citizens and non-citizens of the European Union traveling to the Schengen area.

African’s who wants to Travel to Schengen areas, an outstanding Insurance company, is advised to register with, to be on the safe side.

Some of these insurance companies are Europe Assistance, Mondical Care, and AXA Schengen. These travel insurance companies are recommended because they are accepted by European embassies and consulates worldwide. They all meet Schengen visa requirements. You get access to immediately download your certificate or letter online in any preferred language of your choice. They are top leaders in the travel industry.

The Cost of Schengen Travel Insurance

The cost of Schengen travel insurance varies from company to company. AXA Schengen consists of two plans; AXA Low Cost and AXA Europe. If you use AXA Low cost, you will pay €20 for eight months while the person who uses AXA Europe will pay €30. It varies depending on the number of days you wish to spend and the plan you want to use.

With Europe Assistance, you can easily select and purchase your travel insurance online. Europe Assistance insurance gets ready in a matter of minutes, hence, making it easy to acquire a Schengen visa for your next trip to Europe. You will also be given a certificate recognized by Embassies, Consulates, and Visa centers worldwide.

This Insurance company has two plans:

âś“ Plan Schengen.
âś“ Plan Schengen Plus.

Schengen covers all Schengen areas while Schengen plus covers all Schengen areas plus Bulgaria, Croatia, etc.

Hospitalization expenses cost up to 30,000€ under Plan Schengen while it costs 60,000 using Plan Schengen Plus.

These two plans also cover some expenses like medical expenses and so on. The essential cost for Schengen Travel Insurance ranges from €30 (13,607) to €49 (22,226), depending on the person’s plan.


Europe Insurance company’s essential requirement is “Having a valid travel insurance for the entire Schengen zone.” It has nothing to do if the travel requires a visa or not.

Before the COVID-19 Pandemic, Africans pay €60 (27,215) for the visa fee to Schengen areas, but it has been increased to €90 (40, 823.) Also, African Children from ages 6-12 who pay €35(15,875) now spend €40 (18,143) instead.

Besides, applications are no longer just made on paper but also electronically. Previously, an African could file a Schengen visa application as early as three months before their trip to the borderless Schengen area. This rule has changed as the updated code makes it possible for Africans to apply six months before their trip. The trend has changed, and applications can now be made online. Hitherto, Africans could apply for a Schengen Visa about three months ahead of their travel to the Schengen area. In the present day, the update code has made changes in the rule; Africans can now apply for the Schengen visa six months before their travel date.

The essential requirement for Schengen travel in either of these travel insurance companies is valid to travel insurance for the entire Schengen zone. However, the travel zone could be extended depending on whatever plan an individual wants to use.

For an African who wants to travel to Schengen, it is strongly advised that the person uses either AXA EUROPE, Europe Assistance, or Mondical Care.

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