Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Scholarship Applications are Currently Being Accepted by the Big Island Press Club


The Big Island Press Club Scholarship Foundation grants thousands of dollars to undergraduate students pursuing journalism and related areas each year. The scholarship application procedure is currently open for students who wish to apply for a scholarship through the organization, so that possibility is available once again.

The deadline for applications is March 15. Candidates must be enrolled full-time, have links to the Big Island, have an interest in media or a related field, and have a track record of academic success.

The deadline for completed applications is March 15 at 11:59 PM. The recipients will be announced on May 9 at the Big Island Press Club Scholarship dinner. Also, here are 20 scholarships for international students expiring dec 2024. 

The Big Island Press Club Scholarship Applications

Interested parties can apply online and obtain further information at the Big Island Press Club website. You may get tickets for the scholarship dinner at the designated page.

The Big Island Press Club Scholarship Foundation gave scholarships to the following people in 2023:

  1. Three-time winner Lichen Forster is from Mountain View. She studied geology at the University of Hawaii in Hilo and previously served as the chief editor of Ke Kalahea, the student newspaper.
  2. Maya-Lin Green, a resident of Waimea, is a communications and media journalism major at the University of Hawaii at Hilo. She graduated from Philadelphia’s Martin Luther King Jr. High School in 2008.
  3. Kai Hayashida, a 2023 Hilo High School alumnus, is presently enrolled at Spokane, Washington’s Whitworth University.
  4. Papa’aloa resident King James Mangoba, a 2023 Hilo High School alumnus, is a student at Fordham University in New York City.

About Big Island Press Club Scholarship

A debate surrounded the BIPC’s founding. Following the charging commission procedures, we felt a clause about open government, similar to California’s Brown Act, was necessary. We were quickly dismissed as if we were unexpected visitors.

Nevertheless, they picked up our pieces and returned, with the late Yasuki Arakaki attempting to mediate a settlement out of concern that the third effort at a charter may only succeed if they were neutralized. When the charter went into effect on January 1, 1969, following voter approval, he and chairman Fred Koehnen—who added an entire paragraph on emergency meetings that we enthusiastically accepted—got it reviewed again, and now we were in the spotlight as section 13-20(b).

Rod Thompson’s tenacious work paid off when we finally received federal registration as a 401(c)3 organization in 2004—after years of declaring our desire to do so. This allowed donations to be legitimately tax deductible. New and existing members would occupy many pages, ranging from board service to acting as vigilant protectors of Imu actors and scriptwriters. Too much has been added to our posthumous list.



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