Monday, October 21, 2024

Spencer Foundation Conference Grants 2021


Grant Description

The Spencer Foundation Conference Grant Program offers help to researchers to coordinate little exploration gatherings, centered symposia, or different types of convenings around significant issues in instruction research. This program is expected to unite analysts, specialists, policymakers, and other significant partners whose aptitude, considerable information and practice, hypothetical knowledge, or methodological mastery can be added with ways that offer assistance to expand upon and advance schooling research.

We urge candidates to contemplate how convenings can grow the considerable work and effect of instructive exploration on progressing racial value. This award program upholds proposition with spending plans of $50,000 or less.

Spencer Foundation Conference Grants 2021
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October 13, 2021, 12:00 PM NOON Central Time

Qualified Countries:

A proposition is acknowledged from the U.S. furthermore, internationally, all propositions should be submitted in English, and spending plans should be proposed in U.S. Dollars.

TO BE TAKEN AT (Institution):

Any recognized higher establishment.

Acknowledged Subject Areas:

Recommendations to the Conference Grant program should be for little exploration meetings, centered symposia, or convenings that will investigate basic issues in progressing racial value in schooling research as indicated in the Program Statement.

Type of Degree:


Worth of Awards:


Step by step instructions to APPLY:

The application interaction starts with a full proposition; you don’t need to present a letter of goal or plan to apply.

Full recommendations are expected by 12:00 pm early afternoon focal time on the cutoff time date.


Meeting Grant recommendations should be submitted through an online application structure following the rules underneath.

  • Stage 1 – Registration

Note: This application is designed for the Principal Investigator (PI) on the task to enroll and present the structure. On the off chance that somebody other than the PI will be finishing the online application (e.g., a clerical specialist), the PI should enroll as depicted in Step 1 beneath, then, at that point, give their username and secret word to the individual helping them with the application.

On the off chance that you (the PI) have never gotten to the Spencer Foundation online entryway, you should enroll and make a profile by going to and tapping the “Register Here” button. Follow the rules on the enlistment page to make your profile.

In the event that you, as of now, have a record, sign on to refresh your profile.

  • Stage 2 – My Profile

After completing your registration, follow the headings to finish the data mentioned on the My Profile page and transfer your present CV (10-page limit). The My Profile page is your online record with the Spencer Foundation, whether you are applying for an award, assessing a proposition, or presenting a grantee report.

Note: If you have Co-PIs on your task, they should likewise enroll and finish their profile data in the event that they wish to be remembered for the application.

  • Stage 3 – Start a Proposal

To round out the application, go to your Workbench and snap the Apply button for the Conference Grants program. Your draft application can be saved and gotten back to with the goal that you might proceed with work on it sometime in the future and can be found on your Draft Proposals list on your Workbench.


The Spenser grant is a grant uncommonly made to help the academic soul. Taking care of basic issues like racial equality will likewise give you an additional edge while proposing. Victory!

Click here to visit the site.

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