Home Immigration News Top 10 Countries with Easiest Citizenship Paths for Families in 2024

Top 10 Countries with Easiest Citizenship Paths for Families in 2024

Top 10 Countries with Easiest Citizenship Paths for Families in 2024


Many people are seeking easier paths to citizenship in 2024, and several countries offer attractive options. Portugal and Spain both have popular “golden visa” programs that provide residency and a path to citizenship through real estate investment. Canada is known for its welcoming immigration policies, including citizenship by naturalization after a period of residency. Brazil also grants citizenship by birth, making it an easy option for those born there. The Caribbean islands of Dominica, Antigua and Barbuda offer citizenship by investment programs, requiring a substantial financial contribution in exchange for a passport. Turkey is another country with a straightforward citizenship by investment route, primarily through real estate. Malta is considered one of the countries with easiest citizenship, with its Individual Investor Program.

North Macedonia allows citizenship by descent for those with Macedonian heritage. FInally, Saint Lucia is another Caribbean nation that offers an attractive citizenship by investment (CBI) program for individuals seeking a second passport in 2024. Similar to Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia’s CBI program provides a straightforward path to citizenship through various investment options. Depending on one’s goals and qualifications, these countries with easiest citizenship present some of the easiest paths to obtaining a second passport in 2024.

1. Portugal

Why Portugal?

Portugal has long been a favored destination for expats due to its warm climate, stunning landscapes, and rich cultural heritage. The country’s D7 Visa offers a straightforward path to permanent residency, especially appealing for retirees or individuals with passive income sources. Families benefit from a high standard of living, accessible healthcare, and excellent international schools.

Pathways to Portuguese Citizenship

Portugal offers several routes for foreign nationals to acquire Portuguese citizenship. Whether you have family ties, investment interests, or simply want to integrate into Portuguese society, there are options available. Let’s explore the main pathways to Portuguese citizenship:

Citizenship by Descent or Birth

Individuals born to a Portuguese parent or those born in Portugal to foreign parents who have been residents for at least one year can claim Portuguese citizenship by birth or descent.

Citizenship through Marriage or Partnership

Those who are married to or in a civil union with a Portuguese citizen for at least three years may apply for Portuguese citizenship.

Citizenship through Naturalization

The most common path to Portuguese citizenship is through naturalization. Individuals who have legally resided in Portugal for at least 5 years, have sufficient knowledge of the Portuguese language, and can demonstrate ties to the Portuguese community are eligible to apply.

The naturalization process involves submitting an application, providing required documents, and passing a review by the Portuguese authorities. Upon approval, new citizens attend a citizenship ceremony where they take an oath of allegiance.

Citizenship through the Golden Visa Program

Portugal’s Golden Visa program offers a pathway to citizenship for foreign investors. By making a qualifying investment, such as purchasing real estate or transferring capital, applicants can obtain a residence permit. After 5 years of maintaining this investment and residence, they become eligible to apply for Portuguese citizenship.

Benefits of Portuguese Citizenship

Becoming a Portuguese citizen comes with several advantages, including:

  • The right to live, work, and study in Portugal and throughout the European Union
  • Voting rights in national elections
  • Access to a powerful Portuguese passport, which allows visa-free travel to over 180 countries
  • Eligibility for Portuguese social security benefits and pension programs

Navigating the citizenship application process can be complex, so it’s advisable to seek professional guidance. By understanding the various pathways and requirements, foreign nationals can determine the best route to acquire Portuguese citizenship and unlock the benefits it provides.

2. Spain

Why Spain?

Spain is one of the countries with easiest citizenship. Spain’s diverse culture, beautiful landscapes, and robust healthcare system make it a top choice for families. The country’s vibrant cities and scenic coastlines offer a perfect blend of lifestyle options.

Pathways to Spanish Citizenship

There are several main ways to obtain Spanish citizenship:

1. Citizenship by Residency

The most common path is citizenship by residency. This requires living in Spain legally for 10 continuous years. During this time, you must not have been absent from Spain for more than 3 months per year on average. [1]

There are some exceptions that reduce the residency requirement:

  • Refugees can apply after 5 years of residency [1]
  • Nationals from Ibero-American countries, Andorra, the Philippines, Equatorial Guinea, or Portugal can apply after 2 years of residency. They are also often allowed to retain dual citizenship. [1][2]
  • Those married to a Spanish citizen can apply after 1 year of residency with their Spanish spouse. [2]

2. Citizenship by Origin

You can obtain Spanish citizenship by origin if:

  • You were born in Spain to foreign parents, but cannot obtain the nationality of your parents’ country [3]
  • You were adopted as a minor by Spanish citizens [3]

3. Citizenship by Option

You can apply for Spanish citizenship by option if:

  • You were adopted as an adult by Spanish citizens [3]
  • You were previously a Spanish citizen but lost your nationality

The application process involves submitting required documents and passing language and civics exams. Fees are also required, typically around 60-100 euros.

3. Canada

Why Canada?

Canada is known for its high quality of life, multicultural society, and strong economy. The country has a welcoming immigration policy, especially for skilled workers and entrepreneurs, making it ideal for families seeking long-term stability.

Citizenship by Birth

Canada follows the principle of jus soli, which means that anyone born on Canadian soil is automatically granted Canadian citizenship at birth, regardless of their parents’ citizenship status.

Citizenship by Descent

Individuals born outside of Canada can obtain Canadian citizenship if at least one of their parents was a Canadian citizen at the time of their birth. This is known as citizenship by descent. [1]

Citizenship by Naturalization

Permanent residents of Canada can apply for Canadian citizenship through the naturalization process. The key requirements include:

  • Being a permanent resident for at least 3 out of the last 5 years prior to applying
  • Meeting language requirements (CLB level 4 or higher in English or French)
  • Passing the Canadian citizenship test
  • Filing taxes in Canada for at least 3 out of the last 5 years
  • Demonstrating intent to continue living in Canada

Citizenship by Investment

Canada does not have a direct citizenship by investment program. However, the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program (QIIP) allows qualified foreign investors and their families to obtain permanent residency by investing a minimum of C$1.2 million in a government-approved fund. After obtaining permanent residency, they can then apply for Canadian citizenship.

4. Brazil

Why Brazil?

Brazil offers a dynamic environment for families with its rich culture, friendly population, and vast natural resources. Despite economic fluctuations, Brazil remains an attractive option due to its relatively easy citizenship process.

Citizenship Pathways to Brazil

There are several ways for foreigners to acquire Brazilian citizenship:

  1. Ordinary Naturalization:
    • Reside in Brazil for at least 4 years
    • Be able to communicate in Portuguese
    • Have no criminal convictions or be rehabilitated
    • Have civil capacity under Brazilian law
    • This can be reduced to 1 year if married to a Brazilian or have a Brazilian child, or 2 years if you have rendered a relevant service to the country or have professional/scientific/artistic abilities
  2. Extraordinary Naturalization:
    • Reside in Brazil for over 15 years without interruption
    • Have no criminal convictions or be rehabilitated
  3. Special Naturalization:
    • Have a Brazilian spouse or companion of more than 5 years who is an active member of the Brazilian Foreign Service or in the service of the Brazilian State abroad
    • Have been employed in a diplomatic mission or consular post for more than 10 years without interruption
  4. Provisional Naturalization:
    • Granted provisionally to foreigners under 18 years of age who settled in Brazil before the age of 10
    • Can be converted to permanent citizenship within 2 years after reaching 18 years of age.

Additionally, children born in Brazil to foreign parents can acquire Brazilian citizenship by birth, as long as the parents are not in Brazil in service of their country of origin. Children of Brazilian nationals born abroad while their parents are away on official service are also granted citizenship if registered at the Brazilian consulate

The naturalization process involves submitting an application to the Ministry of Justice, undergoing a background check, and completing the required steps at the Federal Police. The entire process typically takes 12-15 months 

5. Dominica

Why Dominica?

Dominica’s Citizenship by Investment (CBI) program is one of the most affordable in the world, offering a peaceful and natural environment ideal for family life. The island’s education system is well-developed, and healthcare facilities are improving.

Citizenship Process

Families can obtain citizenship by making a minimum contribution of $100,000 to the Economic Development Fund. The process is efficient, with citizenship granted within months, and there are no residency requirements.

There are four main ways to become a citizen of Dominica:

  1. Birth/Parentage: Citizenship can be obtained by being born in Dominica or having at least one Dominica citizen parent.
  2. Marriage: Individuals can apply for citizenship through marriage to a Dominica citizen, provided certain requirements are met.
  3. Naturalization: After residing in Dominica for at least 5 years, individuals can apply for naturalization and obtain citizenship.
  4. Investment: The fastest pathway is through Dominica’s Citizenship by Investment program. Applicants can obtain citizenship by making a qualifying investment of at least $100,000 in the country. This process can be completed in as little as 3-6 months.

The Citizenship by Investment program is one of the most popular options, as it allows applicants and their families to obtain a Dominica passport without any residence requirements. In exchange for the investment, applicants and their families are granted full Dominica citizenship, which provides visa-free travel to over 140 countries.

To apply for Dominica citizenship through any of these pathways, applicants must submit various documents such as application forms, police records, birth/marriage certificates, and financial statements. There are also application fees that must be paid. 

6. Turkey

Why Turkey?

Turkey’s strategic location, connecting Europe and Asia, offers a unique blend of cultures, climates, and opportunities. The country is known for its robust infrastructure, excellent healthcare, and a growing economy.

Citizenship Pathways to Turkey

There are several ways to obtain Turkish citizenship:

Citizenship by Birth

  • Anyone born in Turkey to non-citizen parents can apply for Turkish citizenship, as long as the parents are not in the country temporarily (e.g. as tourists or diplomats).

Citizenship by Marriage

  • A foreign national can become a Turkish citizen if they are married to a Turkish citizen, but there are certain requirements such as living together, not threatening the marriage, and not having a hidden motive for the marriage.

Citizenship by Naturalization

  • After living in Turkey for 5 continuous years with a valid residence permit, meeting language requirements, and having a clean criminal record, a foreign national can apply for Turkish citizenship by naturalization.

Citizenship by Investment

  • Turkey offers a “Golden Visa” program that grants citizenship to foreign nationals who make a significant investment in the country, such as purchasing real estate worth at least $400,000, depositing at least $500,000 in a Turkish bank, or creating jobs for at least 50 Turkish citizens.

Citizenship by Descent

  • If one or both of your parents were Turkish citizens at the time of your birth, you may be eligible for Turkish citizenship by descent, regardless of where you were born. There are some nuances around marital status and timing of establishing the parent-child relationship.

The process for obtaining Turkish citizenship involves submitting an application with supporting documents like birth certificates, passports, and proof of investment or residency. The timeline is typically around 3 months. Turkey allows dual citizenship, so you can maintain your current citizenship while becoming a Turkish citizen

7. Malta

Why Malta?

Malta is a Mediterranean gem, known for its excellent education system, healthcare, and quality of life. The country’s strong economy and political stability make it a safe and attractive destination for families.

Malta Citizenship Pathways

Malta offers several ways to acquire citizenship, including:

Citizenship by Birth or Descent

  • Anyone born in Malta on or after August 1, 1989 is automatically a Maltese citizen if at least one parent is a Maltese citizen.
  • Children born outside Malta can also obtain citizenship if their father was a Maltese citizen at the time of their birth (between 1964-1989).

Citizenship by Marriage

  • Foreign nationals married to a Maltese citizen for at least 5 years can apply for citizenship.
  • The marriage must be genuine, not just for the purpose of obtaining citizenship.

Citizenship by Naturalization

  • Foreign nationals can apply for citizenship after living in Malta for at least 4 out of the previous 6 years, with 12 months of continuous residence prior to the application.
  • Applicants must pass language, history, and law exams, and have two Maltese citizen guarantors.

Citizenship by Family Reunification

  • Children, grandchildren, and siblings of Maltese citizens may be eligible.
  • Former Maltese citizens, adopted or fostered Maltese children, and guardians of Maltese minors can also apply.

Citizenship by Direct Investment

  • Malta offers a citizenship by investment program, where applicants must make a minimum €600,000 contribution, purchase or lease property, and donate €10,000 to an approved organization.
  • This program has an annual cap of 400 successful applicants.

The process can take between 1-7 years depending on the pathway. Successful applicants gain the rights of EU citizenship, including the ability to live, work, and study anywhere in the EU, as well as visa-free travel to over 180 countries

8. Antigua and Barbuda

Why Antigua and Barbuda?

This Caribbean nation offers a laid-back lifestyle with beautiful beaches and a favorable climate. It’s a great option for families looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life.

Citizenship Pathways in Antigua and Barbuda

There are four main ways to obtain citizenship in Antigua and Barbuda:

  1. Descent: If you were born in Antigua and Barbuda or have a parent who is a citizen, you are eligible for citizenship by descent.
  2. Marriage: If you are married to an Antiguan and Barbudan citizen, you can apply for citizenship through marriage.
  3. Naturalization: After living in Antigua and Barbuda for at least 5 years, you may be eligible for citizenship through naturalization.
  4. Investment: The Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment program allows you to obtain citizenship by making a qualifying investment in the country.

The investment options include:

  • Contributing at least $100,000 to the National Development Fund (NDF)
  • Investing at least $200,000 in approved real estate
  • Investing at least $400,000 in a government-approved business
  • Donating $150,000 to the University of the West Indies Fund

The application process involves submitting required documents, passing due diligence checks, and potentially attending an interview. The entire process typically takes 3-6 months to complete.

Citizenship through investment provides benefits such as visa-free travel to over 150 countries, no personal income tax, and the ability to live and work in Antigua and Barbuda

9. North Macedonia

Why North Macedonia?

As a gateway to Europe, North Macedonia offers a low cost of living, beautiful landscapes, and a rich cultural heritage. The country is an emerging destination for those looking for a peaceful yet connected life.

Pathways to North Macedonia Citizenship

There are a few main pathways to obtaining North Macedonia citizenship:

  1. Naturalization: Foreign citizens who have lived in North Macedonia for at least 8 years can apply for citizenship through naturalization. They must present a valid residence permit and demonstrate knowledge of the Macedonian language.
  2. Citizenship by Investment: North Macedonia offers a citizenship by investment program that allows foreign nationals to obtain citizenship by making a qualifying investment in the country. There are two investment options: a. Invest €200,000 in a private investment fund for at least 2 years.
    b. Invest €400,000 in new business facilities (excluding hospitality) that employ at least 10 people for at least 1 year. The program has an annual quota of 1,000 applicants. Processing time is 2-5 months. Applicants must also meet other requirements such as having a clean criminal record.
  3. Citizenship by Descent: Children under 18 can obtain North Macedonia citizenship if one or both of their parents are North Macedonia citizens.

The citizenship by investment program offers several benefits, including visa-free travel to over 125 countries, the right to live, work and study in North Macedonia, and a strategic location in Europe. There is no minimum residence period or language requirement.

10. Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia offers a well-established Citizenship by Investment (CBI) program that provides a straightforward path to obtaining citizenship for foreign investors and their families. In 2024, the program continues to be an attractive option for those seeking a second passport and the benefits it can provide.

The Saint Lucia CBI program offers several investment options, including:

  1. National Economic Fund (NEF) Contribution: Applicants can make a one-time, non-refundable donation to the National Economic Fund, starting at $240,000 for the main applicant and up to three dependents. Additional fees apply for including more dependents.
  2. Real Estate Investment: Applicants can invest a minimum of $300,000 in approved real estate projects, such as hotels, resorts, and holiday homes. This investment must be held for at least 5 years. Additional administrative fees apply for including dependents.
  3. Government Bonds: Applicants can invest $300,000 in non-interest-bearing government bonds, which are fully refundable after a 5-year holding period. This option is unique to Saint Lucia among Caribbean CBI programs.
  4. Enterprise Project Investment: Applicants can invest a minimum of $3.5 million in approved enterprise projects, such as universities, ports, research facilities, and infrastructure development.

The Saint Lucia CBI program is known for its fast processing times, with applications typically completed within 3-6 months. The program also offers visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to over 146 countries, including the Schengen area, the United Kingdom, and key business hubs like Hong Kong.

Saint Lucia’s CBI program is well-regulated, with a focus on maintaining the integrity of the program through rigorous due diligence checks on applicants. The program is governed by the Citizenship by Investment Act No. 14 of 2015, which outlines the eligibility requirements and application process.

In 2024, Saint Lucia has made some adjustments to its CBI program, including increasing the minimum investment thresholds for certain options to align with an agreement among the OECS countries. However, the program remains a competitive and attractive option for investors seeking a second citizenship.

Overall, the Saint Lucia CBI program in 2024 continues to offer a reliable and efficient pathway to obtaining citizenship, providing investors and their families with the benefits of a Saint Lucian passport and the opportunity to reside in this beautiful Caribbean island nation.

Why Choose Us?

Navigating the complex world of citizenship can be a daunting task, but with the right guidance, it can open up a world of opportunities. If you’re considering exploring citizenship options, whether it’s for yourself or your family, we highly recommend booking a consultation with our team of experts. During this consultation, we can provide personalized advice, discuss the various citizenship programs available, and help you determine the best path forward based on your unique circumstances and goals. Our team stays up-to-date on the latest developments in citizenship laws and policies, ensuring that you have access to the most accurate and relevant information. Don’t hesitate to take the first step towards securing your future – book your consultation with us today and let us help you navigate the journey to citizenship


1. Which country offers the quickest path to citizenship for families?
Dominica and Saint Lucia offer some of the quickest citizenship paths, with their Citizenship by Investment programs granting citizenship in as little as 3-6 months.

2. What is the most affordable citizenship by investment program?
Dominica and Antigua and Barbuda offer some of the most affordable programs, with minimum investments starting at $100,000.

3. Are there any residency requirements for these citizenship programs?
Countries like Dominica, Saint Lucia, and Antigua and Barbuda do not require residency, making them highly convenient for families.

4. Can I include my family in the citizenship application?
Yes, most programs allow you to include your spouse and children. Some even allow parents and grandparents as dependents.

5. What are the benefits of having dual citizenship?
Dual citizenship offers several benefits, including visa-free travel, better education and healthcare options, and economic opportunities in both countries.


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