Saturday, July 27, 2024

World Crime Capitals


There is no get away from the factuality that the crime rates are on the high side daily despite the government taking so many precautionary measures. In actuality, the real world is a blend of multiple opportunities and mixed economics; this gets a lot of people left out. You will be shocked to know the cities on the list of world crime capitals.

Here are the top ten most dangerous cities in the world today and reasons why.

Okay! Let start.

10. Cali, Colombia Cali 

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Cali, Colombia Cali is the tenth most dangerous city in the world, considering a recorded 64.27 homicides per 100,000 residents.

Drug-related crimes.

Roughly 75% of the U.S. citizens enslaved in Colombia faced narcotics-related offenses. Without having a pre-knowledge about anyone, avoid helping strangers with packages or bags unless you ascertain the box’s contents.

Kidnapping Threat and Crimes

Although Colombian government efforts have dramatically dropped down the number of kidnappings over the last ten years, the threat of kidnapping remains an unease. From 2002-2016, official statistics show that the number of kidnappings dropped more than 90%. Kidnappings can be spontaneous; criminals/guerrillas have kidnapped persons at roadblocks on major cities’ outskirts. Foreigners are potential targets due to their perceived wealth.

9. Cape Town, South Africa

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cape town, is the ninth most dangerous city in the world. With a homicide rate of 65.53 homicides per 100,000 residents.

Crime Threats.

Violent crime remains a predominant contemporary threat in South Africa; however, criminals do not track out U.S. citizens for criminal activities, as most are devious. Common crimes include murder, rape, armed robbery, carjacking, home invasion, property theft, smash and grab, and ATM robbery. Arm robbery is the most prevalent major crime in South Africa, most often involving organized gangs armed with handguns and knives.

Cybersecurity threats

South Africa has witnessed a significant rise in cybercrime, and SAPS lacks the resources and technical capability to tackle the crimes effectively. Corporations with financial resources continue to invest heavily in cybersecurity to protect their assets. Much of the country’s asset, to include critical infrastructure, remains vulnerable to cyberattack.

Terrorism threats

The U.S. Department of State has assessed Pretoria, cape town, Durban, and Johannesburg, as being MEDIUM-threat locations for terrorism directed at or affecting the U.S. government’s interests.

Drugs related crimes 

South Africa is the top black sales market for illegal drugs in sub-Sahara Africa and distributes as a carriage point for heroin and cocaine primarily designed for Europe. A fraction diverts for local use, and the remaining continues across many countries. Heroin, mainly of Afghan source, typically reaches at ports in Kenya, Mozambique, and Tanzania from south-west Asia before being trafficked overland into South Africa, often pass-through Botswana and Zambia. Heroin not incinerated within south Africa then persists via air to Europe, although a small proportion is shipped to the united states. 

Methamphetamine, commonly known as “tik,” methcathinone “cat,” and methaqualone is manufactured in South Africa from pioneer chemicals smuggled primarily from China and India. Cannabis is permissible in South Africa. Though, a dangerous mixture “nyaope” has become apparent in poorer districts, combining marijuana and heroin, often mixed with other noxious substances. Quantifying local drug use is challenging.

8. Palmira, Colombia

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Palmira is the eighth most dangerous city globally, with a recorded 70.88 homicides per 100,000 residents.

Crime Threats

 Daily, the most prevalent threat to travelers is street crime. The most common crime types include mugging, assault, cell phone theft, credit card fraud, and burglary. Criminals commonly use knives and firearms. Crime can turn violent quickly; it is not uncommon for severe injury or death to result in a victim resisting a robbery. Thefts and assaults occur mostly on public buses in urban and rural areas.

Criminals carry out a variety of street scams to rob people. For example, individuals may pose as police officers by presenting false police identification. They will ask to inspect a victim’s money to verify that it is not counterfeit. They will issue the victim an “official receipt” for their “counterfeit” money and instruct the victim to proceed to a police station to reclaim legitimate currency. When they submit the “official receipt” to the police, they find out their money was not counterfeit and that they were scammed.

Cybersecurity Issues

Cyber threats persevere as a major security concern in Colombia. Authorities also report an increasing figure of financially motivated cyberattacks. According to an Intel security study, 15% of crime against companies in Colombia is associated with cybercrime, generating losses of approximately $600 million U.S. To develop the ability to address cyber threats, Colombia prepared an updated cybersecurity policy (CONPES 3701) with the Organization of American States, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and other partners. This policy includes a national strategy and a set of priority goals to minimize risk levels.

7. Valencia, Venezuela

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Valencia ranks the seventh deadliest city in the world as there was a record of 72.31 homicides per 100,000 residents. 

Crime treats

Home raids are often conveyed by gratuitous violence. Victims are often selected because of their perceived wealth, either from the home or neighborhood where they live or the car they drive. This situation worsened when unprecedented protest activity and a spiraling economic crisis led to severe scarcities of food, medicine, and other staples. In a charitable effort, the Colombian government introduced ‘border mobility cards’ to allow Venezuelans to get free access across the border without using a passport.

Terrorism Threat

The U.S. Department of State has assessed Valencia as a MEDIUM-threat location for terrorist activity directed at or affecting official U.S. government interests.

The Embassy is unaware of any significant terrorist attacks or actions recently carried out in Valencia, Venezuelan territory. Prior reporting has indicated that Valencia, Venezuela maintains a tolerant atmosphere that has benefited already known terrorist groups.

6. Distrito Central, Honduras

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Distrito Central, Honduras, district central is the sixth most dangerous city in the world with a 73.51 homicides/ 100,000 citizen. 

Crime threats

The U.S. subdivision of State has assessed Tegucigalpa as being a CRITICAL-threat location for crime. This has to be because it is directed at affecting official U.S. government interest. The location and timing of criminal activity are unpredictable. 

Since 2010, there have been approximately 60 murders of U.S. citizens reported in Honduras. These deaths included several in San Pedro Sula and La Ceiba involving U.S. citizens murdered shortly after arriving in the country. These crimes may have been the result of tips from sources shriveling the airport arrival area.

Armed robberies, burglaries, vandalization, home invasions, and extortions occur; closely guarded officials, businesspersons, and diplomats are not immune. 

Cyber security Issues

Extortion threats commonly originate through social manufacturing. Criminals sometimes obtain personal data through social media, the internet, or a victim’s family member. NGOs have reported anonymous attacks via social media, alleging that civil society actors are engaged in, or supportive of, criminal activity in Honduras. Credit card scamming is common. 

Drug-related Crimes

Drug trafficking and gang movement, which includes local micro-trafficking of narcotics and extortion, are the foundation of violent crime in Honduras. 

5. Maturin, Venezuela

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Maturin makes the list of the fifth most dangerous city in the world as there was a record of 86.45 homicides per 100,000 residents 

Burglaries (and scams) continue to occur at public ATMs. ATMs inside hotels and banks are considered safer than withdrawing money from inside a bank via a teller.

Pilfering during the daytime occurs spontaneously as the time for mugging is unpredictable. Pickpockets and grab artists operate all through the Maturin area but are especially active inside and surrounding bus and metro terminals. Drug-related Crimes

The boundary area between Maturin, Venezuela, and Colombia remains dangerous due to the ELN’s continued presence and rebels from the FARC. Along with kidnapping and rustling operations, both groups use the drug trade to finance their actions.

4. Acapulco, Mexico

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Acapulco ranks the fourth most dangerous city in the world, recording 104.73 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants.

 Crime Threats

 Mexico is assessed as being a CRITICAL-threat location for crime. Though there is no criminal pattern specifically targeting foreign or U.S. businesses and personnel, criminals will target victims based on an appearance of prosperity, vulnerability, or a lack of awareness. Armed robbery, kidnapping, car theft, credit card fraud, and various forms of residential and street crime are daily concerns. Criminals can easily resell jewelry (including expensive watches) and phones in illegal markets. Although Mexico has strict gun-control laws, criminals often carry handguns or knives.

 Various groups have splintered into smaller gangs, which have branched out into different illegal business activities. One common practice is for gangs to charge protection fees or add their tax to products/services, with the threat of violence for those who fail to pay.

Cybersecurity Challenges

 Social engineering of data for scams, kidnapping, and extortion schemes is a cybersecurity issue in the region.


 Mexico is a major drug-producing nation. Drug trafficking continues to be a significant issue throughout the country, affecting the security climate and affecting local politics.

3. San Salvador, El Salvador

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San Salvador is cited as the third most dangerous city worldwide as there is a recorded 108.54 homicides per 100,000 residents.

Crime threats

Crime can run the gamut from credit card skimming to homicide. It is characterized by violence directed against known pursued victims and targets of opportunity.

Cybersecurity Issues

 El Salvador has concerns regarding ATM/credit card crime, including at well-known restaurants, hotels, gas stations, and retailers.

Skimming equipment and other resources was recently spotted as they were being imported to the country.

Drug-related Crimes

 El Salvador is not considered a central transit point for illegal narcotics, though maritime smuggling routes exist in the eastern Pacific.

2. San Pedro Sula, Honduras

world crime
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San Pedro is the second most devious city worldwide as there is a recorded 111.03 homicides per 100,000 residents.

 Crime Threats

Tegucigalpa had been assessed as being a CRITICAL-threat location for crime. Most crime victims are members of rival gangs, small business owners who resist gang extortion, passengers on public transportation, or those involved in land term disputes.

Cybersecurity Issues

 Extortion threats commonly originate through social engineering. Credit card skimming is common.

Drug-related Crimes

 Drug trafficking and gang activity, which includes local micro-trafficking of narcotics and extortion, are the leading causes of violent crime in Honduras. 

1. Caracas, Venezuela

world crime

Caracas is the world’s most threatening city, with a whopping 119.87 homicides per 100,000 residents.

Crime treats

Caracas is cited as a CRITICAL-threat location for crime. Mostly killings committed by state security forces is caused by excessive use of force and extrajudicial implementation, with a rate of 19 victims per 100,000 citizens; and 4,632 deaths were of undetermined cause, officially registered as death inquiries, but mostly homicides at an estimated rate of 17 victims per 100,000 inhabitants.

Drugs related crimes

 Drug trafficking is a severe problem in Venezuela, and Venezuelan authorities treat it as such. Sentenced traffickers receive lengthy prison sentences of between seven to ten years. It is a world crime capital.

Venezuela’s “growing inability to count its dead.”

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