Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Scholarship Opportunities for 2024 Graduates Announced by the Clearfield County Charitable Foundation


In 2024, graduating seniors will receive scholarships from the four new scholarship opportunities established by the Clearfield County Charitable Foundation. This is on top of the 24 scholarship programs in place, which in 2023 gave out over $50,000 in scholarships to over 40 student beneficiaries.

The Clearfield County Charitable Scholarship Opportunities created four new scholarship programs that will award scholarships to graduating seniors in 2024. This is in addition to the 24 existing scholarship programs, which awarded over 40 student recipients with scholarships totaling over $50,000 in 2023.

Students accepted into two- and four-year degree programs in the building trades, electrical services, culinary arts, hospitality management, nursing, and other health-related disciplines are eligible for some of the scholarships offered by the Charitable Foundation.

The following are the new scholarship funds and the requirements for each:

1. The Scott Beers Memorial Scholarship Opportunities

This scholarship was established in memory of Scott Beers, who passed away in an ATV accident in October 2018, by his parents, relatives, and friends. At the time of his death, Beers, a 2017 CTC graduate, was enrolled at Edinboro University on a full scholarship provided by First Energy Corp., pursuing his goal of becoming an electric line worker.

Every year, a Clearfield County Career and Technology Center graduate who is enrolled in a post-secondary college, trade school, or technical program will receive this prize. You can also apply for the Google Technical program.. The student who has finished their coursework at CCCTC in good standing, has a financial need, and has faced and conquered certain challenges in life will be the recipient of the prize, according to the scholarship committee.

In addition to submitting a 500-word essay detailing a life barrier they have conquered and its impact on their lives, applicants must also provide a letter of recommendation. After March 1, Scott Beers Memorial Scholarship applications will be accessible at the CTC guidance office. You can also apply for the Goesrge Miller Memorial Scholarship..

2. The Scholarship for Ardell Bressler Memorial

This prize, established by Bressler’s niece and his estate, pays tribute to the 25 years he spent teaching English at Clearfield Area High School. Many of Mr. Bressler’s pupils recall his good influence with fondness. Each year, the Ardell Bressler Scholarship will be given to a Clearfield Area High School alumnus who excelled in their English classes during their high school tenure to perpetuate his influence on present and future Clearfield High School students.

The Scholarship for Ardell Bressler Memorial - Scholarship Opportunities for 2024 Graduates Announced by the Clearfield County Charitable Foundation

The committee, composed of CHS English Department staff members, will evaluate scholarship applications each year and choose a graduating senior to receive the scholarship. After March 1, Ardell Bressler Memorial Scholarship applications will be accessible at the Clearfield Area High School guidance office.

3. The Scholarship of the Arnold and Ethel Cameron Memorial

The Cameron Scholarship Committee, which was founded by the son of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron, is now taking applications from Jeff Tech and Clearfield County Career and Technology Center graduates from 2022. The committee will consider certain requirements, such as the fact that candidates must have financial need, be enrolled and accepted into a trade or technical school to continue their education in the autumn of 2022, and graduate from Jeff Tech or the CCCTC in good standing.

After March 1, interested students can pick up an application at the CCCTC and Jeff Tech guidance departments. Recommendation letters must be sent with the application.

Scholarship for Performing Arts at Reitz Theater

Cultural Resources Inc. developed the Reitz Theater Performing Arts funding to offer graduating seniors who have participated in shows or programs at the Reitz Theater funding opportunity. A student interested in continuing their studies and pursuing a profession in the performing arts will receive additional attention from the scholarship selection committee.

Hard copies of the Reitz Theater Performing Arts Scholarship application are available at their website.. They will be available in the DuBois area high school guidance offices after March 1.

Scholarship for Performing Arts at Reitz Theater- Scholarship Opportunities for 2024 Graduates Announced by the Clearfield County Charitable Foundation

“The Charitable Foundation is excited to add these four new scholarship funds to our existing portfolio of available scholarships,” stated Mark McCracken, executive director of the Clearfield County Charitable Foundation. By adding this additional money, Clearfield County’s graduating high school graduates have even more scholarship options. The board of directors of the Charitable Foundation expresses gratitude to the friends and families who have put their faith in us to oversee and expand these scholarship funds, which will help graduating seniors for many years to come.

To donate to one of the four newly established scholarship funds or any of the current scholarship funds, go the scholarship donation website, scroll down, and choose the blue button corresponding to the fund of your choice.

Is A charitable Foundation an NGO?

A foundation is also known as a non-governmental organization (NGO) or a group of people that raise money through donations or other means and assist other organizations in pursuing their own altruistic goals. They don’t give its profits to the organization’s executives, shareholders, or employees.

What kind of charitable foundation is this?

The Walton Family Foundation, the Coca-Cola Foundation, Inc., and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are a few examples of private foundations. There are two things that all private foundations have in common: they are set up for philanthropic purposes and to provide contributors a tax benefit for their contributions.

What is the work of Charity Foundation?

A foundation, often known as a benevolent foundation, is a kind of nonprofit corporation or charitable trust that may engage in direct charity activity in addition to giving grants to other charitable organizations.


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