To help students pursue a career in a natural resource profession, the Soil and Water Stewardship Scholarship aims to financially assist full-time students enrolled in authorized two- or four-year colleges, community colleges, or universities.
Formerly, this Award was known as the Leopold Education Project Award. The Leopold Education Project, an educational initiative based on the writings of renowned conservationist and novelist Aldo Leopold, provided funding for this fellowship. Leopold laid the groundwork for contemporary conservation with his ideas and land ethic.
The Land Use Council (LUC) 16 Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) sponsors the Soil and Water Stewardship Scholarship Scholarship. In Illinois, there is a local SWCD for each county. These regional governing bodies offer guidance and leadership in the endeavour to preserve and safeguard natural resources. LUC 16 comprises seven SWCDs located in the state’s northeastern region.
Soil and Water Stewardship Scholarship Qualifications
The applicant needs to be a current student at a university in North America (the United States, Canada, and Mexico). Students attending land grant universities or other institutions with comparable agricultural curricula will be given preference.
- The student may be an M.S. candidate or a junior or senior in a B.S. program.
- This Award accepts submissions from inside.
- Previous winners of this Award need to be qualified.
- Nominees for this Award are not permitted to be members of the SSSA Board of Directors or the SSSA Awards Committee.
- The candidate must have a letter of support from the student’s major professor.
- Referees for this Award cannot be SSSA Board of Directors or Awards Committee members.
Soil and Water Stewardship Scholarship
- Major professor and advisor at the school currently
- Knowledge and Practical Experiences
- What classes, special studies, and fieldwork have you done to conserve soil and water? (Limitation of characters, including spaces: 3000)
- Goals for the Future and Career
- In this part, please briefly summarise your views on the importance of soil and water conservation for preserving the quality of our natural resources and ensuring the sustainable supply of agricultural commodities and services. Discuss how your present employment and educational goals fit into this important effort and how your post-graduation career goals will affect the challenge of protecting soil and water resources. (Limitation of characters, including spaces: 3000)
About The Scholarship
Every year, SWCS honours and grants scholarships to people and groups who have significantly advanced the cause of soil, water, and related natural resource conservation. On July 23, 2024, in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, all winners will be displayed during the awards luncheon of the 2024 SWCS International Annual Conference.

The Soil and Water Conservation Society’s awards program is intended to honour people and institutions who have distinguished themselves in promoting the preservation of soil, water, and associated natural resources. To learn more and to share these changes, view the awards flyer.
The Protection Innovation Award is given to a group, company, corporation, or organization that bestows recognition on an exceptional activity, good, or service that advances the protection of natural resources.
Conservation Professional of the Year: Given in honour of exceptional achievements in the application and advancement of the science and art of conservation of natural resources.
The Conservation Research Award is given to individuals or groups within the Society whose work has significantly advanced the fields of soil, water, and allied natural resource conservation.
Soil and Water Stewardship Scholarship Application
All Soil and Water Conservation Society members are eligible for three scholarship possibilities. Specific chapters offer several other scholarship options. View the scholarship flier to learn more and to spread the word about these changes.
Note that to apply for these scholarships, you must be a current Soil and Water Conservation Society member. The 2023 Agriculture graduate trainee program in Germany with SENCE Agric and the The F.L. McEwen scholarship in sustainable Agriculture are other scholarships aimed at students with interest in Agriculture.
Soil and Water Stewardship Scholarship Deadline
Application deadline for scholarship: March 27, 2024
What is the Award for Soil Conservation?
The Soil and Water Conservation Society’s awards program is intended to honor people and institutions who have distinguished themselves in promoting the preservation of soil, water, and associated natural resources. To learn more and to share these chances, view the awards flyer.
The Goal of Water and Soil Conservation Scholarship?
To minimize soil compaction, manage runoff and hence stop soil erosion, preserve or increase soil fertility, drain or conserve water, and capture (extra) water (Tidemann 1996).
What is the Scholarship Offering?
Offering $1,000 per student every school year, this merit-based prize is provided by the NC Foundation for Soil & Water Conservation. Wake County Commissioner Donald Mia stated, “This scholarship helps students learn about natural resource management and encourages them to work on important environmental issues.