Home Travel and Lifestyle Victoria Falls Natural Wonder: One of 7 Natural Wonders of the World

Victoria Falls Natural Wonder: One of 7 Natural Wonders of the World

Victoria Falls Natural Wonder: One of 7 Natural Wonders of the World

Standing majestically between two beautiful nations in Southern Africa, it is a stunning natural wonder that exudes an awe-inspiring beauty that transcends borders and boundaries. Enveloped by lush forest and craggy cliffs, this spectacular site serves as a testament to nature’s grandeur and timelessness—how beautiful!

This unique natural wonder is formed by the mighty Zambezi River, which is the fourth longest river in Africa. The river’s waters crash beautifully over 100m over an escarpment and down into a canyon, sending huge clouds of spray up into the air, creating a spectacular display of mist and rainbows. The flow of the water varies significantly with the season. During the rainy season, the waterfalls are at their fullest and most powerful, and the fall diminishes in the dry season, causing more rock faces to be revealed.

 The sight of it awed the European explorer Dr Livingstone so much that he named the waterfall in honour of his queen in 1855. Its official name is even more fitting – Mosi-oa-Tunya, meaning “the smoke that thunders”. Awed indeed!

Victoria Falls is one of the largest and most powerful waterfalls in the world, spanning over 1,700 meters in width and reaching heights of up to 108 meters. The lush rainforest surrounding it provides a vibrant backdrop to the roaring waters, offering an extraordinary ecosystem filled with diverse, beautiful flora and fauna.

Victoria Falls can be viewed from both Zambia and Zimbabwe, and it will be amazing to see the natural wonders of both nations. So, if you are going to Africa for the first time, Victoria Falls is a destination you don’t want to miss, and it is the perfect place to begin or end a wildlife safari.

Victoria Falls Natural Wonder

Victoria Falls Natural Wonder has impressive physical characteristics that evoke many emotions and wonder. Stretching over 5,577 feet wide, it stands majestically as one of the world’s broadest waterfalls. The falls plunge dramatically into the rock gorge, reaching heights of up to 354 feet, releasing a loud roar and creating a misty spectacle visible for miles.

The main curtain of water, aptly named the Devil’s Cataract, cascades into the canyon, creating an enchanting display known locally as “Mosi-oa-Tunya” or “The Smoke that Thunders.” The falls was most likely named by people living around it.

The vibrant wildlife ecosystem surrounding Victoria Falls is home to a diverse wildlife that adds to the natural majestic allure.

Ten notable wildlife species in Victoria Falls that you will most likely see include:

  • African Elephant: These are majestic giants often seen near the Zambezi River, providing awe-inspiring encounters, such a beautiful sight
  • Baboon: A very playful and social animal that roams the riverbanks and surrounding areas. So cute, right?
  • Hippopotamus: Frequently found in the Zambezi, these semi-aquatic mammals offer unique viewing opportunities.
  • Cape Buffalo: Forming herds near the river, these robust herbivores are a common sight.
  • Crocodile: Sunbathing along the riverbanks, these reptiles add a touch of intrigue to the landscape.
  • Giraffe: Graceful and towering, giraffes occasionally traverse the savannah near the falls.
  • Zebra: Striped herds often graze in the grasslands, providing a striking contrast to the scenery.
  • Impala: Agile antelopes that dot the landscape, known for their leaping displays.
  • Warthog: Recognizable with their distinctive tusks, these quirky creatures forage near the falls.
  • Babbling Goshawk: A bird of prey with distinctive calls, soaring above and adding to the avian diversity.

This rich tapestry of wildlife enhances the Victoria Falls experience, offering opportunities for captivating safaris and glimpses into the beauty of the African wilderness.

Victoria Falls natural wonder

Recommended Activities you can indulge in at the Victoria Falls Natural Wonder

Experiencing the awe-inspiring beauty of Victoria Falls involves engaging in various activities that showcase its grandeur.  The natural wonder offers activities that can cater for those who love adventure and those looking to relax. Here are the best ways to immerse yourself in this natural wonder:

  1. White water Rafting: You can go rafting on the Zambezi River, particularly below the falls. It is one of the best white water rafting in the world. The ideal time to explore Victoria Falls for this activity is between July to January.
  2. Victoria Falls Bungee Jumping: Experience an adrenaline rush! Enjoy leaping of the Victoria Falls bridge which is in between the borders of Zambia and Zimbabwe. Never forget the plunge amidst breathtaking scenery.
  3. Devil’s Pool Adventure: Dare to take a swim in the Devil’s Pool, a natural rock pool on the edge of Victoria Falls, for a thrilling and unique perspective.
  4. Helicopter and Microlight Flight: Get an aerial view, soar high above Victoria Falls on a helicopter or microlight ride to witness the expansive views from a bird’s eye perspective and appreciate the sheer scale of the Falls.
  5. Boat Cruise and canoeing: Explore the falls further with a boat cruise along the Zambezi River, or go canoeing on the river as well. It provides a serene vantage point and opportunities for wildlife spotting.
  6. Zip Line and Gorge Swing: Zipline over the Batoka George or swing across it, enjoy the thrill and adrenaline rush
  7. Victoria Falls Bridge Guided Walk: Walk along the historic Victoria Falls Bridge that connects Zambia and Zimbabwe and experience the panoramic views and a sense of the history of Victoria Falls.
  8. Elephant-back Safari: Embark on an extraordinary safari atop elephants, offering a majestic way to explore the surrounding wilderness.
  9. Rainforest Walk: Take a tranquil walk through the lush rainforest surrounding Victoria Falls, providing closer views and refreshing encounters with local flora and fauna.
  10. Cultural Tours: have fun learning about the local culture and history. You can visit the local markets, villages and cultural centres.
  11. Luxury lodges and hotels: Stay in one of the luxurious high-end accommodations and view Victoria Falls from there always.
  12. Fishing: You can go fishing in the Zambezi River. The river is known to accommodate different species of fish, including Tigerfish, etc.

Ensure that you enjoy a good number of these activities that are to your taste.

Victoria Falls natural wonder

Cultural and historical significance of Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls has a strong cultural and historical significance.

Victoria Falls’s natural wonder, tribally known as Mosi-oa-Tunya, reflects that it has been surrounded by culture; different tribes live around it, including the Lozi, Tonga, and Chewa. These tribes have lived here for centuries and the fall holds cultural and spiritual meaning to them.

Traditional ceremonies and rituals are performed there at times; therefore, the fall is sacred to them. Natural wonders have been used to tell folklore and stories about legends.

The Historical aspect involves David Livingstone, the Scottish missionary and explorer who
“discovered” the fall of the Western world in 1855. And they named them in honour of Queen Victoria. Victoria Falls played a part in the colonization of both countries, as a lot of Westerners started to visit the area often after it was discovered. The fall became a symbol of pride after both countries gained independence from the British colony and have contributed greatly to their economy ever since.

Victoria Fall Viewing Platforms

Aside from touring this incredible natural wonder, you can get amazing views of this wonder from different platforms. It offers a spectacular perspective on the waterfalls and its beautiful scenery. 

From Zimbabwe’s side,

  1. Devil’s Cataract is the lowest viewing point, and it offers a close-up view, a vantage point where she can see the westernmost parts of the fall.
  2. Main Falls, The most powerful and largest viewing section of the falls.
  3. Horseshoe Falls, the smaller section, is a natural wonder, and it has a distinct U-shape. It is a spectacular site during the rainy season.
  4. Rainbow Falls: this was named because of the frequent rainbow appearance around this area, this is the highest point of Victoria Falls.
  5. Eastern Cataract is the easternmost part of the falls; it is often less crowded and offers a more serene viewing experience.

from Zambia side;

  • Knife Edge Bridge is one of the most dramatic viewpoints; it offers both the eastern cataract and the main fall views.
  • Boiling point, this viewpoint looks down into the swirling waters at the base poo, the natural wonder. It is a steep path that leads down to the river and provides the chance to see the powerful currents up close.
  • Victoria Falls Bridge is a historic bridge that spans the Zambezi River. It offers a beautiful view of the gorge, and this is also the site for Victoria Falls bungee jumping.
  • Zambezi boardwalk is a series of paths with amazing viewing points of view.
  • Livingstone Island is an island at the edge of the falls and is accessible only by guided tours. This viewpoint offers a rare perspective from the right at the edge of the falls.
Victoria Falls Natural Wonders

Recommended Accommodations at Victoria Falls

Most of the Zambian lodges are located on the serene banks of the Zambezi River, just upstream of the falls, while the Zimbabwean lodges offer views of the thick, white mist that sometimes obscures the wide curtain of falling water, both sides providing stunning views depending on what you would like, here are few hotels you can stay in, in both countries.

Zambian Lodges

  1. Victoria Falls Hotel
  2. The Kingdom at Victoria Falls
  3. Victoria Falls Safari Lodge
  4. A’Zambezi River Lodge
  5. Llala Lodge

Zimbabwean Lodges

  • The Royal Livingstone Hotel
  • Avani Victoria Fall Resort
  • Tongabezi Lodge
  • Taita Falcon Lodge
  • Maramba River Lodge
Victoria Falls natural wonder

Victoria Falls Safety Tips

  1. Stay on the designated path
  2. Beware of wildlife
  3. Hydrate and protect yourself from the sun
  4. Wear appropriate footwear
  5. Always have medical supplies
  6. Have your emergency contact
  7. Use a life jacket if you do not know how to swim
  8. Obey local laws and customs
  9. Avoid areas that you are not familiar with
  10. Avoid late nights
  11. Move with a torch light always
  12. Always be aware of your environment.

For economy’s sake, if you do not want to spend so much on lodging, you can stay in these hostels;

  1. Victoria Falls Backpackers dormitory style room, private rooms, a communal kitchen and a swimming pool and is in Zimbabwe.
  2. Livingstone Backpackers is in Zambia dormitory rooms, private rooms, a bar, and a pool.
  3. Jollys Backpackers, located in Zambia, offers dormitory rooms, private rooms, a pool and a bar.


Finally, Victoria Falls Natural Falls is an ideal destination that will help you appreciate nature, help you clear your head when necessary, and give you the perfect relaxation you need and a beautiful memory to look back on. I believe that these natural wonders exist to always bring us back to what is important, which is actually living and not just existing. visit Victoria Falls today and enjoy the water-based activities, the beautiful scenery, the amazing cuisines, and other adventurous activities that will make your adrenaline rush; you deserve this rest and experience, trust me.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Victoria Falls a natural wonder of the world?

  • Yes, it is one of the natural wonders of the world, due to its stunning, beautiful and impressive size. It is the largest waterfall in the world.  

What makes Victoria Falls so special?

  • What makes Victoria Falls special is the size, the fall is over a mile wide and drop over 100 meters, creating one of the most breath taking views in the world.

Is Table Mountain one of the 7 natural wonders of the world?

  • No, it is not. Even though it is a remarkable natural UNESCO World Heritage site and Landmark located in South Africa, it is not a natural wonder.

Which month is best to visit Victoria Falls?

  • The best time to visit Victoria Falls is in the dry season, that is, from May to October. This allows you to see the Falls more clearly and allows you to have access to water-based activities like swimming in Devil’s Pool.

How can I get to Victoria Falls?

  • To get to Victoria Falls, you can either fly to Livingstone Airport in Zambia or Victoria Falls Airport in Zimbabwe.

Is it safe to visit Victoria Falls?

  • Generally, yes. However, this is only if you adhere to local guidelines and safety precautions for visitors. Always stay informed about the risks and take necessary precautions, just like with every trip you’ve gone on.

Are there accommodations near Victoria Falls?

  • Yes, you have several accommodation options, regardless of your taste and budget. This includes luxurious hotels, lodges, and a hostel for you to pick from.


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