Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Apply For The Warwick Chancellor’s Scholarship for International Students -2021


2021 International Warwick Chancellor’s Scholarship

  • Scholarship awarding body: Warwick London, UK
  • Host institution: Warwick University, UK
  • Deadline: October 2021 

Description Of Scholarship

The Warwick chancellor’s scholarships for 2021 are awarded to outstanding postgraduate students who wish to study at Warwick University. The Scholarship is awarded annually through a Joint Postgraduate Survey Scholarship Contest. The Warwick Scholarship is available to all international and European Union students in any study at Warwick University.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. The application for a Ph.D. at the University of Warwick terminates in October 2021 for all Applicants for the Warwick chancellor’s international scholarship.
  2. Students currently registered on a Ph.D. or MPhil/Ph.D. at the University of Warwick may apply in their first year of registration only.
  3. Applicants must expect to be ‘overseas’ students or ‘EU’ for fees purposes, but there are no other nationality criteria.
  4. Scholarships cannot be summited to the next academic year.
  5. Applicants may be from any discipline at Warwick.
  • Eligibility countries: EU and International students
  • Age restrictions: No age restrictions
  • Gender restrictions: No gender restrictions
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Value of scholarship

Entry award for the year 2021 Scholarship will comprise of the following:

  1. Length of sponsoring: 3 and half years except you are already studying as a level 1 student, then the length of funding is decreased accordingly
  2. Grant (RTSG) of £5,000 for A Research, Supporting and Training. 
  3. Upkeep paid in line with UKRI taxes (provisional £15,285 for full-time scholarship holders in 2021 and 2022, are all presumed to be approved in February 2021
  4. The complete payment of abroad tuition fees (merit up to £24,010)

Application instructions

Present your applications online together with all your supporting documents before 23:59 (GMT) on 21st of January 2021, and to make use of this, you have to read the PGR Ranking Criteria

Applicants must read the notes for guidance and visit the certified website (link placed below) for full knowledge on applying for this program.

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Visit the Warwick Application Website to apply


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