Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Citizenship & Residency​

Comprehensive Guide on EU Citizenship By Investment (Golden Visa)

EU citizenship processes vary in speed and complexity. This post explores EU citizenship by investment, highlighting ideal nations for you.

Countries That Offer Second Passport Through Investment And How to Apply

Second passport through investment offers visa-free entry to over 150 countries, including all developed ones, making them one of the world's most prestigious passports.

All the Information you Need to Apply for a Green Card in the United States in 2024

The most sought-after document for immigrants seeking permanent residency in the United States is the Green Card.

Legislators of the Republican Party Blocks the Immigration Bill That would have Eliminated Asylum

The U.S. Senate has voted down a long-awaited immigration bill that supporters of immigrant rights believed would deal a fatal blow to those seeking refuge.

Put An End to Granting US citizenship to Foreign Diplomats’ Children

Granting US citizenship to foreign diplomats' children ignores the reality that the foreign parents are, in both situations, temporarily residing in our nation, working for a different government or international organization, and benefiting from special diplomatic privileges or immunities.

The Top 5 Countries for US Citizens to Apply for a Second Passport

The concept of second passports has been heralded as a sign of several advantages, both social and economic, in this world of endless choices.

The New Asylum Programme Fee Reduces the Appeal of Lawful Immigration

A new Asylum Programme amending the fee structure for immigration petitions, applications, and services was released by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) on January 31.

The Next Nightmare For International Students: Graduate Visas Will Be Reviewed

In December, the U.K. government agreed that graduate visas will be reviewed as part of several recent steps to limit net migration, all confirmed by Home Secretary James Cleverly. He stated that reviewing this visa was "to prevent abuse and protect the integrity and quality of higher education in the United Kingdom."

For The First Time In Seven Years, USCIS Increases Immigration And Naturalisation Costs

A final regulation released by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services on Tuesday stipulates that employers would have to pay higher fees to sponsor employees for permanent residency and file worker applications as USCIS increases immigration and naturalisation costs.

Understanding the New H-1B Visa Selection Criteria

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has made significant announcements about the new H-1B Visa selection criteria for the fiscal year 2025.

Mike Johnson Is Hoping That The Immigration Bill Is Not Passed By The Senate

Mike Johnson is hoping that the immigration bill is not passed by the Senate that he already refers to the future bill as dead.

A Bill To Toughen Punishment For Unauthorised Immigrants Escaping Law Enforcement In cars Is Passed By The House

By a vote of 271 to 154, the House on Tuesday approved legislation that would toughen punishment for unauthorized immigrants who use a car to elude border security authorities. Sixty-six Democrats supported the legislation.