Friday, July 5, 2024

Top 10 Places in the World You Should Add to Your Travel Bucket List


A travel bucket list, what an interesting term, generally a bucket list is a list items of experiences and activities a person wishes to have accomplished in their lifetime. 

A travel bucket list is a list of places or locations an individual hopes to visit in their lifetime. It gets interesting! 

This list usually has a good mix of adventure, culture, nature and history. Bucket lists in general come from personal aspirations, inspiration, motivation, living with intention and a sense of achievement. Popular destinations include the great wall of China, Iceland, Maldives, Niagara falls, Bali, Dubai, Statue of liberty, Burj khalifa, dead sea, and lots of places. 

However, I am here to give you even more better destinations. 

A blank travel bucket list

How to maintain an efficient travel bucket list 

To have the best bucket list experience, you need to find and research about the best destinations in the world. Bucket list items generally have a trace of your personality, that is one of the best things with bucket list, it reflects who you are and what gets you excited and in good spirit. There are a lot of beautiful places in the world so why should you pick a particular destination. Here is a guide on how to select from the exciting destinations there is. 

• Be specific: Where do you want to go to? When do you want to go? How much do you want to spend? Who do you want to go with? 

• Be open minded: Simply be flexible 

• Prioritize: List out the countries you want to go to and rank them, categorize them. 

• Take action: No matter how little the action may seem, take it. It may be to start saving, to ask who you want to go with to make plans, it maybe organising your itinerary. 

• Document progress: ohh I like this one! Take lots of pictures, keep cards, keep coupons, keep contacts, receipts etc. you might be coming back. 

Are you in a search of beautiful travel destinations that are rarely talked about? Are in search of  bucket list places? Are you looking for the best views, best travel experiences, culture and history, religious monuments in the world, top destinations? Well here is a few of them, I have made it easier for you by grouping them into continents incase you have a couple of continents in mind. 

Asian destinations: Phuket in Thailand, Tokyo in Japan.

European destinations: Rome in Italy, Paris in France, London in England.

North American bucket list travel destinations; Muai in Hawaii, Glacier National Park in Montana. 

Oceanian destinations; South Island in New Zealand.

South Pacific destinations: Bora Bora in French Polynesia, Tahiti in French Polynesia.  

To the main course, Every continent, country, state and city has what it is known for, good or bad. These attributes or features is what attracts tourists to these places and sometimes, what keeps them there for a long time. We are going to dive into 10 destinations you can add to your travel bucket list and see why you should. This will be an interesting ride, so buckle up! 

Tours in Rome

Top 10 Luxurious destinations to add to your travel bucket list

1. South Island, New Zealand

2. Paris France

3. Bora Bora, French Polynesia

4. Muai, Hawaii

5. Tahiti, French Polynesia 

6. London, England

7. Rome Italy

8. Phuket, Thailand 

9. Tokyo, Japan

10. Glacier National park, Montana. 

1. South Island, New Zealand 

This is a large but less populated island in New Zealand, it has an alluring scenery, with activities that get you adrenaline high, and guess what it is budget friendly. It has a beautiful mix of culture for travellers who love culture, it has the Maori culture, and a British culture due to colonization. And for those who like the thrill, amazing places you can visit include: Milford sound, Mount Crook, and Lake Wakatipu, this means a lot of climbing and hiking. Natural wonders of the land include: Fjords, geothermal spring, glacier. For the Foodies their cuisines are Lamb, Kiwi fruit, seafood and pavlova. Here are the  places you can visit for the travellers who enjoy history you can visit the Dunedin’s octagon, Christchurch’s Cathedral Square. What an exciting experience this will be! Perfect for a luxury travel destinations experience with the family.

2. Paris, France 

 One of the most intriguing places in the world! It is a place for every kind of traveller. It’s cultural heritage include Artistic, literary hub and as we all know it is the fashion capital. It is blessed with landmarks like the Eiffel tower(one of the best views of the city), Notre-Dame Cathedral, Louvre museum. The natural wonders include Seine river, Luxembourg Gardens, with beautiful cuisine like croissant, cheese, wine, and Escargot, yummy! Who doesn’t like wine? Historic places in Paris include The Palace of Versailles, Arc de Triomphe. This is the best place to go to for a holiday when you seek inspiration, for designers, lovers, family, friends you name it! It is literally one of the best places to visit, and is a destination to add in a popular bucket list, perfect for a unique travel experience with your best friend.

3. Bora Bora, French Polynesia

People tend to write this beautiful place off because of it’s small size however don’t! It is indeed a little more than 2  miles wide and 6 miles long but it is an endowment of natural beauty. It has Polynesia tribal culture, and french colonial history, be intrigued by the island’s turquoise Lagoon, the Mount Otemanu, and Coral reefs. You can savour the cuisine from the Poisson Cru, Coconut milk and tropical fruits. The little place has a history embedded in it, Ancient Temples and ruins from world war 2. If you are fascinated by history here is a place for you to add to your wish list.

4. Maui, Hawaii

Of all the islands in Hawaii, Muai is the perfect choice, it is just right and feels right. Blessed with the Hawaiian culture with a razzle dazzle of American influence, with beautiful landmarks like the Haleakala National Park, and the road to Hana. Surrounded by best views, water falls, beaches and volcanic landscape, it has the world’s largest dormant Volcano, Haleakala beautiful right? That’s not all, history lives within, the Lahaina Heritage Trail, Haleki’i-Piana Heiau one of the best places around the world. 

5. Tahiti, French Polynesia

A complete definition of luxury!  From savory food, to the warm waters, it is divided into two main regions, Tahiti Nui and Tahiti Iti, it has the Polynesia culture and a French colonial history, landmarks you must visit is the Papeete market located in Tahiti Nui and Point Venus lighthouse. In this city you will find beautiful waterfalls, black sand beaches and the Mount Orohena. Beautiful cuisines and a historic sites like the Musée de Tahiti et des ÎIes. Unique place to add to your unique travel bucket experience

6. London, England

Oh the great Britain! Has the history and sites from Britain history, to the great literature, and music. And of course iconic landmarks like the Buckingham palace, Tower of London, and Big Ben. With the exortic natural wonders like Thames River, and Hyde park. With the historic British museum and Westminster Abbey. 

You also get to witness free world class live performances of Shakespeare. London makes you feel alive! You get to enjoy all these while sipping tea or savoring some roast beef. 

7. Rome, Italy

My personal favourite! Luxurious history at its peak. Buildings built in 80 AD now existing as exquisite hotels, the most exortic destination to add to your bucket list travel. Some iconic landmarks it’s best known for include the popular colosseum, Roman Forum, and  Pantheon, love it! Natural wonders include the tiber river and Villa Borghese. 

Make your rounds around this beautiful city while enjoying the original, world’s most iconic taste of Pasta, Pizza, gelato and espresso. 

8. Phuket, Thailand

Luxurious and affordable, what a perfect mix! Located at the southern part of Thailand, it is surrounded by beaches and the Andaman sea. Explore the buzzing market that comes alive at night, Phuket is so surrounded by rainforest, lime stone cliffs and coral reefs. One of the most beautiful cities to be on your ultimate travel bucket list.

9. Tokyo, Japan

With the cutting edge tech and samurai history, it is uniquely the fast paced city buzzing with everyone headed for their destination and enriched with amazing cuisines that will keep you wanting more, cuisines like ramen, sushi, matcha, and tempura, filled with unique experiences especially for those in the tech world. 

10. Glacier National Park, Montana

A beautiful city specifically made for outdoor travellers, from the beautiful valleys, to the alpine lakes and the high mountain, you can only imagine the breathtaking view. One of the most popular national parks in the world. Bask in the beauty of this city while enjoying it’s wonderful cuisines, the trouts and oh gosh the elk buggers, delicious! 

These dream destinations are arguably the best places to see, be, and bask in. Therefore, I will go even further to present to you activities you can participate in if you find yourself in one of these global travel bucket list destinations. 

Recommended activities for you 

For a unique travel experience here are some activities you can participate in

  1. Snorkeling and diving
  2. Beach relaxation
  3. Surfing and pafdleboarding 
  4. Island hopping 
  5. Visiting temples and shrines
  6. Trying out cuisines
  7. Wine tasting 
  8. Exploring ancient ruins 
  9. Hiking and backpacking
  10. Wildlife watching
  11. Take cooking classes
  12. Jet-skiing and parasalling
  13. Exploring neon lit districts
  14. Fashion exploring 
  15. Shopping 
  16. Luxurious resort experience
  17. Exploring fountains 
  18. Visiting Buckingham palace

These activities will in these luxury travel destinations will help you create beautiful memories, regardless of the purpose of visit to these luxury travel destinations. You could travelling alone, with a lover or friend, or enjoying a beautiful holiday with the family. These are premier holiday destinations activities. 

A travel bucket list, is something fulfilling, it gives you an experience to look forward to hence giving most people something to live for, it embodies your interests, beliefs, passion, future memories, fulfillment. Imagine the thrill you have so much so you looked up destinations to add to your travel bucket list and you are reading through to find the perfect luxury travel destinations or just a premier holiday destinations, the excitement! It is having to explore continents you love, having the outdoor experiences you always wanted, tasting those amazing cuisines, waking through and in history, gosh! Yes, maybe you won’t visit everyone one of the travel destinations you have on your bucket list but the excitement that comes from thinking of it alone is worth it. So here are a few tips on how to add dream destinations to your bucket list. 

Travel bucket list template

Tips on how to create a bucket list 

One of the best way to create a travel bucket list is to plan extensively but before that here are some things you should do. 

Reflect on your interests: What gets you excited, what do you look forward to doing or experiencing in these dream destinations. Your interests could also be things you are skilled in, your work or craft. A good example will be if you are into fashion adding a destination like Paris, France is a beautiful idea, and If you are into tech, you should consider destinations like Japan. 

Research destinations: Just like you are doing right now, research find out the destinations that will align with your interests, if you are a foodie, or an outdoor kind of person, research the destinations that are in line with what you need. 

Consider your budget: what plans can we make in this time without money? Find out how much you are willing to spend on your travel. Put into consideration the resort, hotel, feeding, shopping etc. 

Prioritize: what do you want to experience first? How’s your budget? Which destination will work best for you at the time?. 

Be specific: Know exactly what you want and stick with it. There are a lot of luxury travel destinations, it is being specific will help you make a choice quickly and help you budget and plan. 

Include goals: Like I suggested early, are there experiences like skiing, backpacking, or attending fashion events. Outline your goals. 

Be flexible: Be flexible, stay open to new opportunities as life may happen. 

Visualize and inspire yourself: see yourself at the Eiffel tower or at the beach sun bathing. This keeps you motivated and am inspired. Savings for this might also be very exhausting so you need more passion and more energy! 

Share with others: Discuss with your friends and family, professional companies to help you make the perfect decision.

Review and update regularly: Review your plans, goals and bbudgets to align with recent times. This doesn’t mean you can’t go to a luxury travel destinations, intact it means you can make better plans, save up!

Premier holiday destinations


Finally, the world is embedded with stories, some tragedies, etc. They have shaped the way places in the world look, and these stories are proof that we have pushed through and survived. So why don’t you take out time to see how strong the world is standing. 

Life struggles are unending, and if we continue to give it priority we will never live, we will only exist. So once in a while leave these troubles and see the world, get fulfilled by learning that language, engaging in cross cultural experiences, explore adventures and try out as many cuisines as possible. 

Even if you do not get to travel to all the destinations or all of them, the fulfillment that comes with creating a travel bucket list, and planning activities is worth it. 

Create a travel bucket list today! 


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